Friday, October 23, 2009

Donate happiness for children

The world would be a better and a happier place to live in if there were absolutely no miseries around and if every individual was happy. However, the reality is that we have to face the miseries and tackle them in the best possible way that we can. Just look through your surroundings, you would see a number of poor people around, majority being little children. In the harsh face of life, these children are deprived of the basic necessities and good opportunities.

Donating to charity would be our way of showing warmth towards these victims of poverty. A number of charities like Plan India are working for the cause of these children and invite donation for children. By donating to charity we can ensure that some of these children can get good food, water, education and shelter.

Donation for children can definitely benefit these children who are being abandoned by the rest of the world, even their parents. Our donation for children can bring long term benefits to them by ensuring that they receive all the basic necessities of the life and grow in a healthy environment. So let’s pledge that by donating to charity we would help these underprivileged children.

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