Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Non Profit Organizations - Parenting the underprivileged children

“Children are the pillars of the nation”. This saying somehow becomes a debatable issue with millions of underprivileged children roaming around hungry, sick and homeless. We hardly give a thought into what is really going on in the society because we really never look beyond our comfort zones. But it is high time we are a little more emphatic about helping out vulnerable children. Millions of children are losing their childhood to mal-nutrition and neglected health. They do not have anyone to take care of. Their lives are more of a curse.

Various Non-profit organizations for children are however helping underprivileged children avail of their basic needs and requirements. A number of child charity foundations are working to provide help and support to various vulnerable children. Some organizations also work for child development education with a mission to impart light and knowledge.

Some non-profit organizations have strived to provide compulsory primary education to millions of vulnerable children in India. Their contribution in helping these children is highly appreciative. Education of underprivileged children campaign may render a big hand in driving out these children from a vulnerable life. Through proper education they can finally step ahead with promising goals, representing themselves as ideal and meaningful citizens of the Nation.

Various campaigns to help the girl child are also yielding encouraging results. It would not be wrong to sum up that these organizations are the parents of these ill-fated underprivileged children.

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